Itll Push when you have a 21 and beat you on a 20, and then gives you really bad cards ; 5, 7, 13 , bust.
Itll trap your DoubleDowns and Splits with Busts 8 of 10 times, regardless of the Count, and gives you a BlackJack after its won 20+ hands.
Reinterpretations and redefinitions :
A. Stop the Noise / Be Unemotional
B. Increase Confidence / Will Power
C. Gambler / Card Counting Training
D. Luck of the Cards.
In the end, if you endure, itll turn you into : A Hardcore Professional Card Counting BlackJack Gambler, permanently ingrained into your Psyche.
Is it the Holy Grail of BlackJack Simulation, definitely not, but, give it a few months and youll find out that you are.
In the end, it brings out The Best in you, you gotta Love it ...!